Saturday, August 28, 2010


Tomorrow my baby boy will be three years old.  Where has the time gone?
It seems like an eternity since I first found out I was pregnant, but I remember it well.  I had just come home from work on a Wednesday, having popped in to Scunthorpe town centre to buy a pregnancy test.  I did the test, and when I saw the two little lines on it, I started crying.  I kept crying for the next hour, and they were all happy tears.

Pregnancy was good for me, though the first and last 6 weeks were tough.  I loved feeling Dylan moving inside me, and recall with fondness the way he hiccupped all during my last 4 weeks and jumped every time they tested the fire alarm at work.  I loved my belly!

The birth wasn't quite what I had expected, and it took me a long time to settle in to motherhood, but when I learned to accept my new role as a mother I discovered a love for my son which surpassed anything else I had ever felt. 

I have loved watching Dylan grow and develop.  He is such a beautiful, intelligent little boy.  He's not easy to be with at the minute.  In fact, we butt heads on a daily basis right now.  But I love him all the same. 

Three years ago I had my miracle baby, and my life changed forever.  It became richer and more meaningful, and with each passing day Dylan brings more surprises, more headaches, more tears, but ultimately, more joy.  He is such a wonderful blessing.

1 comment:

Greg, Ang & 4 kidlets said...

Happy Birthday to Dylan!!! We were all thinking of you at Grandma and Grandpa's house yesterday:)