Monday, August 30, 2010

5 years gone in our five year plan...

We always meant to live in England for about 5 years, and it was 5 years ago yesterday that we flew back here to live.

Time's up. 

We have another viewing of our house scheduled for Wednesday morning--the first one in nearly a year.  Apparently, the guy who's coming to look at the house is keen to buy and has the money already lined up.  It will be a second home, and since both parties are unencumbered by other houses, mortgage issues, etc. if he chooses to buy ours it could happen in about 6 weeks.  We'd have to find someplace to rent while we sort out green cards and U.S. passports, but would be home soon.  Maybe 6 months, tops.

Everybody do some serious praying for us. 

I love England, and I will sincerely miss it when we move back to Utah.  But I still want to come home. 

My top ten list of things I miss about living in Utah:

10--General Conference is on TV so you can watch it in your pajamas whilst doing puzzles.

9--The smell of the desert after it rains.

8--The food.  More specifically, Cafe Rio, Wendy's, Ranch dressing, decent pickles, Granny B cookies...I could go on!

7--Oh, the mountains.  How I miss them!

6--Not having to lock everything up and bolt everything down to keep it from getting stolen!

5--The L.D.S. church culture--not having your doctor weirded out by your garments, everyone understanding why you don't drink coffee or tea, being able to buy church books, scriptures, pictures of Jesus, etc. for VERY cheap!

4--Proximity to the Temple.

3--Being able to pick fruit and vegetables from my daddy's garden and orchard.

2--Cousins-lots and lots of cousins-for my kids to play with.

1--Seeing my family.  ALL of them!


Greg, Ang & 4 kidlets said...

We will be praying & hoping for you:) Did Edie like her Gloworm and clothes from us? Just curious")

ShaNeil Cook Coons said...

Oh man! I'm excited! We'll be praying for you too. You just made me want to go eat a pickle...

Celeste said...

I'll pray for it to happen! Those are great reasons to miss Utah. My heart longs to be nearer... Someday it will happen for us, but now is not the time for my family. At least we're close enough we can visit once or twice a year.

Emma said...

I'm not there! :p