Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Pretty good day today, all things considered. The kids weren't bad--they were just very high maintenence. I only had 30 minutes to myself all day, and they were the 30 minutes I took to go to the doctor's office to make sure we don't have any more of the little monsters!

I am now the proud owner of the Mirena IUS. We'll see how that goes. The appointment was not as bad as I thought it would be. I just feel a little bit weird and have been walking funny all evening.

The strangest part of the day is that Edith fell asleep almost immediately after her bath. At 7:30pm we had the house to ourselves because both babies were asleep in bed. It's always nice to have some baby-free time!

1 comment:

Adriane said...

I had pretty bad cramps after insertion of my mirena for about 3 hours. I'm actually thinking of having mine removed. . .