Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What will he sound like???

That was the main question on my mind when Dylan started talking. Obviously, we live in England so the chances of him having an English accent are pretty high. But he's around me pretty much every waking hour, and I am 100% American. So does the influence of dad and grandparents and friends win out over mom?

What is developing is the most delightful mixture of both. He uses a lot of English words, like calling it a "bin" instead of a "garbage can," but he pronounces a lot of double t words with a d instead, like "budder" instead of "butter." He pronounces tomatoes the English way, and zebra as well. But he says a lot of things with an American accent and, at my insistence, calls me mama instead of "mum."

Because of the difference in the accents, I have become hyper-sensitive about the way I say certain words and I am trying to teach him to say them properly. But every once in a while I lapse into a strong Utahn accent and I hope and pray that he won't pick up on some things.

Oh my Utah family, I wish you could hear Dylan's sweet little voice. He chatters so much now and he sounds so cute when he does it. He also has an unfortunate tendency to shout when he gets excited about something, and he is very easily excited. But he is just about the cutest kid in the whole world!!!

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