Friday, June 26, 2009

Things that make me smile every time...

I will forget all of these things if I don't write them down somewhere, and I never want to forget the things my kids do that make me smile.

Dylan can't say his "TH's" at the minute, and he's replacing them with "M's." So when he counts he says, "one, two, free, more, six, se-eight, ten." Pretty good for a not quite two year old, though. And when he sings the song from "My Friends Tigger and Pooh," he sings "Now's the time to mink mink mink, when you've got a problem mink mink mink." This said, of course, whilst attempting to tap the side of his head. Sometimes he misses and sticks his finger in his ear or taps his chin instead. His aim isn't that good yet.

He is also starting to make up words if he doesn't know what something is called by combining the words he DOES know. Kind of how they create new words in German. Last night we were having a barbecue and we gave Dylan a sausage and part of a hot dog bun. Of course, he doesn't know "hot dog bun." But he picked up the bun and called it "sausage bread." I was amazed and delighted. He is getting so smart!!!

Edith has been a bit of a chore this week. She is going through a growth spurt and is waking up twice, sometimes three times, during the night for a feed. She is so tired that she can't finish feeding without falling asleep, but she wakes up when we put her down because she is still hungry. It's hard work feeding her at the minute. But, on a positive note, I finally got her to take a bottle last night. She went 4 hours with no milk, so she was desperate for it. Desperation, not necessity, is the mother of invention! She soon figured out how to use the bottle!

She still makes me smile though. Especially in the mornings when she wakes up and looks at me and her face looks like it's going to split in two because she has such a big grin on her face! And she is getting very active and vocal now, which I love. She has such a lovely voice--very husky. I think her voice is actually deeper than Dylan's is right now.

It's going to be a busy day. Edith has more injections at 11, then it's home for lunch and nap time. When Martin gets home we are going cherry picking in Thealby. Then it's home for dinner (hopefully another bbq if the weather holds), a little DIY after Dylan is in bed, and then some food preparation for the blessing on Sunday.

I wish Edith would sleep through again!

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