Thursday, April 08, 2010

Dylan's health stuff...

Feel free to skip if you're not a close friend or family member.

Dylan had his hospital appointment in Hull today, and it went really well.  He saw the hematologist and they took some blood and scheduled follow up appointments.  I was really impressed with the whole visit.

We arrived about 20 minutes early since I wasn't sure how long it would take us to get there, get parked up, and find the outpatients clinic.  We got booked in immediately, and only waited about 5 minutes before Dylan was taken back to be weighed and measured (Incidentally, he is now only on the 50th centile for his weight but still on the 91st for height--built like his daddy, only a little bit more robust).  About 10 minutes after that, we were called back for our appointment.  Five minutes EARLY!  We had a nice chat with the consultant, and he discussed all the relevant stuff with us.  He wants to do two more tests to rule out von Willebrand's disease, which is the most common bleeding disorder and is usually mild enough to only need treatment in the event of surgery, childbirth, etc.

The whole appointment lasted about 25 minutes.  The most difficult part of the visit was finding somewhere to park.  The staff were friendly and efficient.  The care was quick and more than adequate.  I am really pleased with the NHS today, and very happy that we are one step closer to getting Dylan's little "procedure" done.

Edith went to the beach with the Mundays while Dylan and I went to the hospital.  Not really a fair trade, but he did get an icecream afterwards, and he got to sit in the front seat with me for the drive there and back.  And now he is sleeping at Emma's house.  Thank goodness for Emma--seriously!  I am not well at the minute.  My asthma is flaring up and we had a pretty sleepless night with the kids which never helps.  I don't know what I would do without Saint Emma!

But we're all doing well.  Health aside, things are good.  Martin is enjoying his job, I am enjoying the gardening and the warm sunny days with the kids.  I'm even enjoying my alone time in the evenings.

Prayers for a speedy recovery for me and my poorly babies would be much appreciated!

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