Sunday, April 11, 2010

On the mend...

Three days of pain, discomfort, and misery have culminated in a trip to see the doctor, a prescription for penicillin, steroids, and heavy usage of the English equivalent of Tylenol 3.  My poor children were farmed out to other people, Martin was at work, and I was home alone feeling sorry for myself.

I am amazed at how quickly this latest infection/asthma attack hit me.  I felt great on Wednesday, was a little bit achey on Thursday, and by Friday was totally knocked out.  I can hardly take care of myself when I feel that way, so was really relieved that my mother-in-law took my babies on Friday night and kept them all day yesterday.  I asked her to bring them back to me last night and help me get them to bed here, and she kindly obliged.  It was mostly because I am at the point where if I miss more than a day of feeding Edith I will start to lose my milk.  And even though she is now over a year old, I'm not quite ready to stop feeding her.  Dylan was 14 months when I stopped with him, and she seems so much younger because she is so tiny.

I don't really realize how much I do for and with my children until I can't do anything at all.  Saturday would have been miserable for us all if Christine hadn't taken them.  Instead, they got to play out in her garden and go to the People's Park in Grimsby with their nanna and Auntie Cathy, and they both had a fantastic time.  I got through my ironing pile (whilst sitting down, of course) and took a two hour afternoon nap.  And I concentrated on forcing fluids and getting myself better.  Now I feel nearly human again, and it's so nice.  Martin has gone back to bed, and I'm enjoying snuggles with both of my lovely kids.

Edith has a new tooth--her first one on the top.  She's been a bit miserable cutting it, but seems to be doing much better now that it's popped through.  Teething is SO not fun.  And Dylan played up last night at bath time because he'd not had his normal bedtime routine for two nights running.  But I love those snuggles so much, and am basking in the glow of motherhood this morning. 

Of course, it could just be the codeine...

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