Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's not about quantity...

I am aware that two kids should not be that hard to manage.  Loads of women have more kids than me.  I could totally handle two kids with ease if they were just a LITTLE bit further apart in age. 

It's not the quantity--it's the proximity in age.

Edith is lovely, but is still high maintenance because she's not walking or talking yet.

Dylan is lovely, but he's just high maintenance.  I'd like to claim it's his age, but he's pretty much always been this way.

Maybe I'm deluding myself.  Maybe it really IS like I told the bishop's wife tonight--"I should NOT be allowed to have children."

I guess time will tell.  We'll see how things go when Edith is walking and talking.  In the mean time, all I have to say is that it's a good thing one of them wasn't twins!  Hats off to my sisters...

...oh, and I really do love my children to pieces.  Just because I can't handle them some days doesn't mean they're not totally adorable.  The failure is all my own, I'm sure.


Emma said...

YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE!!! Yes you should have children, your children are well loved and very well cared for. Even mothers of one child have days where they find it hard to cope, and I certainly have days where I think what on earth did I do this for when I could have been a career woman with lots of money and a nice holiday every year!! But you know that every time you little ones say love you, or give you a cuddle it's worth it! Hang in there :)

Michelle and Nick said...

I agree with Emma. And don't worry--we ALL have days where we feel like this. Keep your chin up--you are doing great! Love ya.