Thursday, April 29, 2010


They say that it's golden, and I would have to agree.  When the kids are tucked up in bed, silence so thick you can almost taste it descends on my house, and it is bliss.

The house is so noisy during the day.  I don't often listen to music, but the kids are noisy.  We have telly on for part of the day.  Dylan plays really noisily, making crashing noises and having "emergencies" with his cars.  Edith has started shrieking.  They fight, and Edith cries when Dylan pushes her over or steps on her or squishes her.  Then we have the evening, with bed time cartoons and the noise-fest that is bath time.

But after 7:30pm, it is just me.  And when I turn off the Wii or the telly or the radio and go to bed, I feel the silence all around me.  It's nice. 

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