Friday, April 30, 2010

I feel like a frickin' genius...

There are certain things I really miss about home (other than my family, of course).  I miss the mountains.  I miss the smell of the sagebrush after rain.  I miss the bright stars at night.  I miss Stephen's Gourmet French Vanilla hot chocolate.

Tonight I was watching 50 First Dates and I started thinking about white chocolate.  It's really not chocolate at all, is it?  Just cream and sugar.  So I decided to give something a try. 

5 minutes, a mug of full-fat milk, two sugars, and a splash of vanilla essence later, I sipped down a VERY close approximation of French Vanilla hot chocolate.

I wonder why I never thought to do that before.  I've been missing that blasted stuff for nearly 5 years now.  Truth be told, my hot milk version was even better than that powder rubbish.  I love figuring stuff out.

I have some pictures to post--maybe tomorrow.  They're kind of sad.  Martin left the stair gate open, and Edith is a climber.  She has a massive carpet burn (about the size of a dime) on the tip of her nose.  It happened on Wednesday, and every time I look at Edith I either want to cry (poor little baby) or hit somebody (careless husband)!  I just hope it doesn't leave a scar!

1 comment:

Emma said...

you hope that the carpet burn doesn't leave a scar or you hope that it doesn't scar when you hit Martin????