Monday, April 05, 2010

our weekend in pictures...

Dylan has been playing hard and he's not been napping in an attempt to get him to sleep longer in the morning.  This is the result:
Edith is pretty fascinated by Dylan when he's sleeping.  She kept going up to him and trying to wake him up.
We went to the Brigg Garden Centre with the in-laws on Saturday, and we all had a great time.  The fish were the highlight of the day, for sure.
It was the ward Easter party today, and it was a chocolate extravaganza.  Dylan really enjoyed the Easter Egg hunt, and then proceeded to unwrap (but not eat) all his eggs that he found.  He was REALLY focused on the task at hand.
Edith started out looking really cute, but she quickly turned into a chocolate monster:
A good time was had by all.  But, it has to be said that chocolate is like a drug to the kids.  They were both sitting in the back seat singing to each other all the way home.  Fantastic!

Although I don't have a picture of it (the sun had gone down by the time I finished), I have brutally attacked the ivy in the back garden with the secateurs.  Our back garden is really starting to look nice now.  Just need to take a few things to the tip in the morning, and I will be proud to have people look at our garden.  I also need to get some seeds started.  I'm going to do onions, lettuce, tomatoes, and maybe some cucumbers, courgettes and aubergine.  Exciting stuff!

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