Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dylan's pediatrician appointment...

Trip to the hospital for Dylan's appointment today. It went really well, all things considered. Martin was at work and I still can't drive, so Jen came over and drove us in my car. Edith and Dylan were both really good, and the appointments both ran on time. We had blood drawn on the Disney ward, then went up to the pediatrics outpatient clinic.

The appointment was initially a follow-up on the seizures he had at Christmas, but we were also being seen because of the heart murmur that the doctor on Disney ward heard last time we were there as well as his funny little red spots. And I asked a nagging question about his "man-bits" while we were there.

So here's the rundown:

Seizures--no recurrances, no need to be concerned.

Heart murmur--still there, but believed to be "innocent." We'll be having an ECG in about 3 months' time. They're not concerned since he is so obviously healthy, but are going to check for structural abnormalities just to be on the safe side.

Red spots--still believed to be viral. They're caused by blood pooling in his skin. They appear because his blood doesn't clot properly (they think). More blood work may be necessary and the condition may be genetic (Martin has similar spots) so they will be testing me and Martin first in order to narrow down their search and reduce the amount of blood needed from Dylan.

"man bits"--One of Dylan's testicles is seriously bigger than the other, and I asked about it while we were seeing the pediatrician anyway. He checked it out, and Dylan has a testicular hydrocele. It's basically just excess fluid around one of his testicles, and is quite common in baby boys. But if it hasn't gone away by the tinme he's 2 he may need to have surgery to get rid of it. It's just a simple procedure, but we're obviously hoping it isn't necessary. Explaining that to your two year old doesn't sound like a great deal of fun!

So yeah, Dylan seems perfectly healthy but we may have another Martin on our hands. Martin isn't often sick, but when he is it's always weird stuff that he gets. Like the kind of weird where the specialist says "Yeah, I'm just going to call my senior colleague in here to have a look at this." Here's hoping that Edie takes after me in this regard!

Martin did some work out in the garden this afternoon. It's looking really good, though our grass is struggling right now and we may have to re-seed it. Dylan is sleeping in his toddler bed at night, but we haven't managed to get him to nap in it yet. We're working on it. He does love to sleep in it at night though. Edie had her first "bad" night last night--up for two + hours from around 2:15 am--but we got through it. I am doing well, though I am regaining sensation in my stomach now and the incision from my surgery is starting to hurt. Generally, we are all doing really well. Dylan is even starting to warm to Edith, though he tends to forget she's there and squishes her when he tries to get cuddles from me.

Still waiting to take more pictures before putting them on the computer. I'll be putting some on soon though. I can hardly wait, because my daughter is getting seriously cute now!!!

1 comment:

Meow Turner said...

Pix are so cute!!! Glad things are going well.

Miss you tons!!!

Meows & hugs!