Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The girl wonder...

Edie and I have been discharged from midwife care since we are both doing so well. The midwives were amazed at her progress when we went for our 2 week check today. Edith has re-gained her birth weight plus added an ounce--very unusual for a 100% breastfed baby, apparently. My body just seems to know what it's doing this time around.

She is also getting cuter every day. Pictures don't do her justice because she has a tendency to pull funny faces, but she's nearly reached Dylan newborn cuteness now (he was the most beautiful baby ever, but she's starting to catch up).

Dylan had a better day today. Temper tantrums were averted for the most part. I made an extra effort to be the one who walked him out to the car and played with him one on one, and it seems to have helped. We'll see. Plus, we let him sit in a normal chair instead of his highchair for his meals. That seems to have helped as well. Keep the good advice coming, everybody!

1 comment:

House of Wilcox Rock!!! said...

Izaiah really attached to a brown teddy bear right after Jaxon was born. The bear seemed to help him calm himself down. I hugged his bear and then asked him to take my hug from the bear. I have never been a big fan of attachment items because it can cause such a problem if something happens to it! But Brown Bear seemed to help him out.