Saturday, April 25, 2009

Longing for the good old days...

Martin was at work last night, and once Dylan was in bed I just wanted to go back to being a family of three. Even if it was just for one night.

I am starting to miss my child-free nights with a guaranteed amount of sleep. Last night I really wanted to deep clean the house and highlight my hair. Instead I sat and fed Edith for two hours and didn't get anything done. I adore her, but I'm looking forward to the time when she is asleep by 7:30 like her big brother and I can have some time to myself again!

My friend Charlotte came over this morning and we had a little play date/breastfeeding support group for Beth and Dylan and the babies. We were talking about the jump from 1 to 2 kids, and how frustrating it is to breastfeed and not be able to go ANYWHERE without the baby for the first few months. I still vividly remember the first time after Dylan was born that I went somewhere without him. I walked down to the Spar shop (kind of like 7-11) and bought some OXO cubes. I felt so free. He was about 3 months old.

We've got Dylan sorted with the big bed. He's napping in it now, sleeping like a little angel. Unfortunately, I have to go change Edie's diaper. Can't wait for Martin to get home from work tonight. It was a very short night. Dylan didn't sleep very long at all. He woke up at 4:30 am and would NOT go back to sleep. It's only 1 pm and it's been the longest day of the week so far. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh sweetie it will get better shell get on a time frame and you work and nap around that..i really suggest that you sync and dylans and ediths sleep time together so they sleep at the same time it will make like ten times easier on you