Sunday, April 05, 2009

I fully intended to stay...

Edie and I are home now, and are thrilled to be here!

I fully intended to stay the maximum number of days they'd let me at the hospital, but I couldn't stand being there for one more second. I was tired of listening to other peoples' babies crying and waking me up in the night. I was tired of the midwives and nurses making their rounds. I was tired of listening to the buzzer on the door whenever anybody wanted to come to the maternity ward. But mostly, I was tired of being away from my wonderful boys!

We actually came home last night. Martin picked us up from the hospital and then we went to Christine's house to pick up Dylan. Bless her, Christine is absolutely exhausted from having Dylan for most of the week. He's not a difficult child, but he IS full of energy and pretty much runs non-stop from the time he wakes up until he crashes into bed 16 hours later. He's happy to be at home, as well.

It wasn't nearly as strange this time, bringing a baby home from the hospital. And little Edith made our first night as a family of 4 pretty easy on us. She was asleep at around 10 pm and slept until just after three. She fed, watched a little football with daddy, and then went back to sleep at around 4 until 6:30 this morning. Dylan was up at just after 7. So even with an interrupted night of sleep, we are all reasonably well rested. Edie went back to sleep at around 8 am, and here it is nearly 10 and she's still sleeping like an angel. I hope this continues--Dylan never slept very much for a newborn!

Martin went back to sleep for about an hour after both kids got up, and I had the most beautiful moment with my children. I had just finished feeding Edie and she was on my lap. Then Dylan came up for snuggles. He perched on the arm of the chair and cuddled with me. There I was with both of my babies cuddled up in my arms, and I thought for just a second that I had a peice of heaven on earth. I love them both so much.

1 comment:

Adriane said...

Snuggles with the little ones are the best. It really is your own little piece of heaven on earth!