Sunday, April 05, 2009

The latest and greatest...

Edie had her first bath tonight. They don't bathe the babies in the hospital any more, and she was pretty dirty. As you can see, she wasn't too keen about the whole experience. But it wore her out pretty good, and she smells nice and her hair is all cute and fluffy and redder than ever!

I got snuggles with my babies today--it really is bliss!

Dylan holding Edith at the hospital. He hasn't really held her since, but he gave her big kisses at bed time and he alternates between being intrigued by her and completely indifferent.

We had a bit of drama this afternoon. Dylan went down for his afternoon nap and Laurie and Christine to visit. When Dylan woke up, Martin brought him downstairs and he absolutely freaked out. He was crying and screaming and absolutely inconsolable. He wouldn't come to me for cuddles. He was hitting and scratching me. Many tears ensued, and I finally asked the in-laws just to leave. About 5 minutes later, Dylan was fine. Martin thinks that Dylan thought we were going to send him back to nanna and grandad's house, and he panicked. I was quite relieved about that--I thought he didn't want to be in our house with me and Edith.

So that's the end of our first full day at home together. Dylan is tucked safely and sweetly in bed and Edie is having a snooze in the moses basket on the coffee table.

I feel like we can do this!


Unknown said...

youre brave to let people over on your first night home---it good the you took controll--i did that once and oh did the family get offended. From then on i didnt let anyone over for like the first week of the newbie being home becasue it was just to much drama with breast feeding and such. I weird that they dont bath babies any more did they tell you why?

you have a very cute family jamie

Greg, Ang & 4 kidlets said...

Yeah- you are home! It is always so much nicer to be home than in the hospital. We are sending Edie a gift today- let me know when you receive it k? Love ya:)

Adriane said...

She is beautiful, and wow, what a scream that looks like! Good luck. I hope that all of the nights are as good as the first.

Unknown said...

I love her name!! And she is beautiful. Congratulations. I hope your recovery is super fast and that you love your cute little ones to pieces!!