Wednesday, September 16, 2009

England's green and pleasant land...

I have decided that I need to try to appreciate the beautiful places that I see every day. I need to look for the beauty all around me and try to remember why I wanted to move to England in the first place. I need to look with fresh eyes and show everyone back home the things that I have started to take for granted. England hasn't changed in the last 4 years, so me being bored with it is my own fault! Time to open my eyes and take a second look--


Unknown said...

what is the great big house/place building?? im glad youre getting bored causes that means youll come back here..hehe;) that is one things about bys they always love their mommy my oldest boy is 9 and he still needs loves.sych much as my youngest boy is 4..sometime i love being fought over...Reading your food post its interesting how dirrerant it is over there..other countries and such spark my interests alot..thats or iv been in utah to long. Im not to sure about the food and such...hearing that you cook with brandy is quite iteresting do to the fact that were in utah and the isnt normal here. Isnt odd how each state is so much differant then utah in almost every aspect..

well now that iv bored you..i just wanted to say so interesting your blog has been

Emma said...

The great big house/ building is a Church, if I'm not mistaken it looks very much like Wootton St Andrews Church, but then these Church of England buildings can be a bit similar. They are indeed beautiful, but most don't have toilets in so this was my motivating factor in converting to the LDS Church...just kidding Honest!