Tuesday, September 08, 2009


Dylan loves playing in our curtains. He goes behind them, peeks through, and shouts out "ta-da!" He's already quite the little performer!

Dylan never really liked soft toys, but Edith is a big fan of cuddling with a teddy bear now and again.

Dylan's birthday present from his Nanna and Grandad was this Bob the Builder bike. He loves it and wants to ride it every time we leave the house. Unfortunately, he hasn't quite mastered the art of steering yet.

Edith got this dress from her Grandma Cook, and I can't believe how stunning she looks in red--even with her red hair. She looks so adorable sitting up, doesn't she? Already so grown up!

Dylan got a bubble machine from his great grandparents (I suggested it to them) and he absolutely loves it. He squeals like a little girl when we turn it on and dances around in all the bubbles. It's hours of fun for everyone. Edith likes the bubbles and we both like watching Dylan dancing aorund in them.

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