Friday, September 04, 2009

Two steps forward and one BIG step back...

Yesterday was such an amazing day! The best part of it (besides getting some work done on the house--Thursday is DIY night) was that I put both kids down for a nap at around 11:45am, both wide awake, and they went to sleep on their own and in their own beds. I felt competent and in control, cooked 3 great meals, had the house reasonably tidy. Man, I felt like supermom.

Today, well, it's not quite so good! Really, the kids have been quite well behaved. But Edith had a weird--though not necessarily bad--night last night so our schedule has been really thrown off. She didn't get her nap at the same time as Dylan because she slept most of the morning. So I didn't get any kid free time at all, and I really love my kid free time! Then, while I was giving her some lunch she threw up. No big deal, right? I was cleaning the sick off her when Dylan shouted that he needed to poo. Panic--the potty was in the front room.

Long story short--I had to clean up poop and then vomit, with poor little Edith crying the whole time. She was tired and hungry and had an upset tummy, but Dylan was in danger of dragging poop all over my house.

So after yesterday, when I was really digging this whole parenthood gig, I had today when I wondered what the $*@! I was thinking going off the pill!

But Martin is home now and things are under control. I have never been happier to see him walk through the door before. Well, maybe that's a slight exaggeration. There have been worse days than this, after all. But cleaning up other people's bodily wastes and fluids has never been my idea of fun.

An office job was so less disgusting than being a mother!

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