Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Unashamedly superficial...

Sometimes when I look at my children they are so beautiful that they take my breath away.

While I was pregnant with Dylan I worried that I would have an ugly baby. Those people who say that all babies are cute are LYING! We've all seen ugly babies--don't pretend you haven't. Then he was born, and I didn't see him right off since the doctors were seeing to him and stitching me up. The first thing I asked was if he was cute, and the midwife reassured me that he was. The next thing I asked was, of course, if he had the Lofley toes.

Over the course of Dylan's first year of life, I was constantly amazed by his beauty. When I learned I was pregnant again, I once more became anxious about having an ugly baby. And it was WORSE the second time around. Having a gorgeous son, what if the second baby wasn't as attractive? It would be horrible to grow up plain with a gorgeous sibling. Of course, those fears proved ungrounded as well. Edith is gorgeous as well, and gets prettier every day.

I know that looks aren't everything, but I am still glad that I got some real lookers. I'd hate it if my kids got all of the "bad" stuff from the combined genes.

In some non-superficial news, we had a surprise visit from Christine yesterday. It was lovely to see her, and we spent the afternoon playing with the kids. Dylan got a train set for his birthday, and it was the best money we ever spent on him. He plays with it for hours!

Edith was laying on her tummy on the bedroom floor, and before we knew it she was up on her knees. She is just weeks away from crawling, and I am SO not ready for that. Yet at the same time I am so excited to see her growing up. I really wanted more time of her just sitting though. Moving is hard work, especially because Dylan is still into everything. Chasing after two kids is going to be even harder work than feedng one and watching the other one being a housewrecker.

I also need some help from all those mommies out there who had big babies. My skin was SO stretched out with Dylan and Edith only made it worse. Darn those nearly 10lb. kids! My stomach above my belly button is OK--just needs a little firming up. I don't even have that many stretch marks. But I've been losing weight since our financial crisis hit, and the more I lose the worse my stomach looks below my belly button. I'm thinking that there might be no help for it, but does anyone have any tips for tightening that up? I'm going to start doing pilates again soon, but is there anything else that will work a tummy tightening miracle? Velecia, I know you had a couple of big ones. Anybody else? Angie, don't even talk to me about this. It wasn't even obvious that you were pregnant with your three kids!

My skin is hanging down so far that is actually causing me discomfort, so I'm thinking that I'll suck up the embarrassment, go see my GP, and ask for a referral for surgery. Wouldn't that be awesome? Having the NHS pay for some skin removal? The skin is horrible! It just hangs there and I can't even feel it anyway. Fingers crossed, because having my gorgeous babies totally ruined my looks!


V said...

Call me on Skype. Love ya V

Celeste said...

I wish I had some advice for it, but sadly I don't. My belly did get ALMOST normal again after both Noah and Frances, but I didn't do anything special for it. I recently listened to a podcast that talked a little about it. Here's a website you can check out. http://www.befitmom.com/