Sunday, September 27, 2009


I showed the house on Saturday afternoon. Our estate agent called me at about 10 am and said they had a couple who wanted to view the house that afternoon. Having been sick for three weeks, the house was in a right state. But I got it all cleaned and called my saintly mother-in-law to help me vacuum the stairs (the one job I wasn't able to tackle). And...

The guy loved the house!

That's not to say that they're going to make us an offer. But the bloke is an artist and gave me many compliments on the job we've done, the decor, the color choices, and the general quirky feel to the house. It makes me feel good, even if they don't put in an offer. He was asking questions that showed he was keen, and was charmed by the garden and the sheer size of the house--the very things that drew me to the place.

So that's the first bit of news. The second is equally exciting.


He has been diaper free all day today, including a drive to Lincoln with Christine. We had to pull over twice so he could pee, but he managed to hold it both times until we found somewhere to pull over. We sang a little "hold it" song while we were waiting. He's still wearing just trousers (if he has underwear on he thinks it's a diaper and forgets to go to the toilet) but we're going to put pants on him in another couple of days to see how he does. He's still sleeping with a diaper on, but it's usually dry in the morning and almost always dry after his nap. It's mostly there just in case.

I'm seeing the light at the end of my bum wiping tunnel, and boy does it look wonderful!

We've just saved ourselves about £3.50 a week and can now afford to buy juice for Dylan again. I'll bet he's excited about that.

So fingers crossed everybody, that Mr. Artistic and his lovely girlfriend liked our quirky old place so much that they decide to make us an offer. Prayers would be appreciated!


V said...

I love good news! Hope it all works out for you guys so you can come over this way, tell Dylan we are so proud of him for becoming a big boy. Yeahhhh for you guys as well for getting him there!

Adriane said...

I hope that they make an offer!
Congrats to Dylan. It's so nice to not have to buy the diapers--i've never actually had 2 kids in diapers at the same time. It would kill us financially!

For some reason your live feed says I am from Kirkland Washington every time I come on. Weird.

Greg, Ang & 4 kidlets said...

That is good news- we will be hoping and praying:)

Congrats to Dylan!- we aren't even trying with Em even though she is sometimes interested. Just laziness on my part:)