Tuesday, March 23, 2010

All is as it should be...

Martin is home, and order is restored to the Gilbert family household!

Dylan hadn't seen his dad for 3 days, and he was starting to act up because of it.  He is crazy about his daddy and it's so hard on him when Martin is gone and/or working really long hours.  He's still not totally adjusted to Martin's new working schedule, and all day Saturday and Sunday he kept asking if we could go visit daddy at work.

Martin and I had a long talk about our weekend and we are doing better.  We both got to say what we were thinking and then we kissed and made up.  We also had a really nice day together yesterday--all of us, as a family.  And the bottom line is, that is the way it ought to be.  We are a family.  We knew what we were getting in to (more or less) when we got married and then, subsequently, had kids together.

Plus, Martin has agreed to me (and Emma) going to the day spa here in town, getting haircuts, facials, and soaking in their hot tub.  In three weeks' time we will be kicking back and relaxing in style.  It will cost a fraction of what his weekend cost, but money is not the issue.  Time off is the issue, and I very rarely get it. 

I guess that's the thing that really bothers me--that I'm supposed to be content to go to church activities once a month and, other than that, stay at home and care for children, clean the house, do laundry and play loving housewife.  Basically, I just don't roll that way.  I refuse to be a 1950's style home-making doormat.

In other news, we checked into the cost of topsoil and turf and found out that it won't cost too much now that Martin has a well-paid job.  So we will be getting a lovely, green insta-lawn in the back garden in a few weeks' time.  With two kids, we just can't re-seed.  It will take too long.  I'm beyond excited, and pictures will be coming soon.

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