Monday, March 15, 2010

Daddy has a day off...

We had an outing today, and it was fun!  Martin had the whole day off, and it was so great to have him with us the whole time!  Unfortunately, Dylan had a little accident.  So not his fault, because we couldn't get him to a public toilet in time.  But he was happy, because he got some new Thomas pants out of the deal.
Unfortunately, our outing started with this...
Edith has a tiny pink cast on.  They weren't going to cast it at the hospital, but I asked them to.  Every time she bumps her arm she just sobs because it hurts so much.
She tried to eat it at first, and is kind of intrigued by the pink.  She was also amazing when they were putting it on.  She only cried for a few minutes.  She's such a trooper!
Even though the doctor said she didn't need that cast, I can already see a difference in her behavior.  She is happy again because she's not in agony all the time.  Hopefully it will transfer to a good night's sleep, because we could all use one!

1 comment:

Becca Rocks said...

Poor little thing! My Sweet-Baby J has one of those too! He's on his third cast because he keeps getting gunk all over it and putting pennies in it, etc.
Ahh the things we endure as children!
How did she injure it? Did I miss that somewhere?