Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dylan's hospital appointment...

We met with a consultant from the Sheffield Childrens' Hospital surgical team on Tuesday. He confirmed the Scunthorpe General pediatrician's diagnosis of a hydrocele but said that they like to give the boys until the age of 3 for it to go away on its' own. Since Dylan is two this month, that means another year of waiting. But I told the consultant that we were planning on moving back to the US before the year was up and that I'd like to have it done before then. He very obligingly moved our appointment to 6 months from now. Nice, huh? He was a really sexy doctor, too!

I still get a little nervous about taking both kids to things like that on my own. It's manageable, but I always worry that I won't be able to cope. But both kids were little angels. Dylan even made friends with a little boy named Miles while we were waiting to be seen. It was adorable. He played nicely while I fed Edith in the waiting area and didn't squirm too much when the doctor was examining his little testicles (well, his one little testicle and his one big testicle!).

By far the funniest thing about the appointment (to me anyway) was when the doctor said that the surgery was cosmetic. I mean, it's a relief and all to hear that his little "PROBLEM" is nothing to be concerned about. But really, can you DO a cosmetic procedure on testicle? How do you make them look "better" short of removing them??? Naked men look so silly!

Dylan is now wearing big boy underwear, "pants" since we are in England, when we are at home. I still put him back in a diaper if we are going out of the house for longer than about 20 minutes and I put one on him for nap time as well, but he's doing great. This potty training thing isn't as bad as I thought it would be. The only problem we're running in to is that he hasn't quite mastered how to pull his pants down before he sits on the potty. He has a tendency to pee through his pants on the potty. But we're working on it, and he's beginning to get it. Hooray!

His bottom looks so small in his jeans with no diaper on underneath.

I got out of the house with a group of ladies/girls from church last night. We went to the cinema. I don't remember the last time I had a girls' night out. It's been absolutely ages--probably the day out with my mom and sisters while we were visiting at Christmas. It was marvellous! Even though I only got 6 hours of sleep, give or take, I feel completely refreshed and energized. I will be making an effort to get out more often, for sure. I think I really needed a night when Martin was stuck in the house completely unable to go anywhere while I was out doing something fun. It made me happy to come home to him sitting in the front room watching telly. The only way I could have been happier is if he had tidied up the house or done the laundry while I was out. But hey, you can't have everything, right?

Edith--well, what can I say? She continues to be an absolute treasure. She is getting cuter every day, and is such a lovely, happy, smiling baby. She had a bottle two mornings ago as well, so she is possibly on her way to becoming the perfect baby.

Must go--I need to get the kids ready for a morning walk to collect Kleeneze brochures. Martin's sleeping his late shift right now and I want us to be completely ready to go when he wakes up in 10 minutes.

Mood swing is UP this week!

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