Monday, August 24, 2009


So much of my life revolves around food--shopping for it, preparing it, eating it, and cleaning up after the preparation and eating. Plus there's planning meals, of course! I'd guess about 3 hours of my day are spent focusing on one of these aspects, and of course that doesn't include the extra time when I bake or make stock or something like that. And I'm not counting all the time I spend feeding Edith, either.

Speaking of food, I need to buy some salad cream so I can make a coleslaw for dinner. We're having a picnic dinner with the Mundays so it's ham sandwiches, coleslaw, and brownies (I also have to make those). Maybe a potato salad as well.

In our next house I will definitely be getting a kitchen that looks out on to the garden. Open plan would be best. Then I can keep an eye on the kids during my food related activities!


V said...

Salad Cream? Hum? Is that the same as say Mayo or Miracle whip here in the US of A?

Melissa said...

I have always hated how much our lives revolve around food! Food is, in my opinion, the most inconvenient thing in existence. Too bad we need it to survive or I would do away with it all together!