Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dylan's day with Nanna...

We went to the Humber Bridge viewing area yesterday and took advantage of the gorgeous English spring weather (seriously--it was really nice. Jackets off and everything!). We went to the duck ponds, where Dylan spent the majority of his time trying to climb into the pond with all the ducks. Good thing Christine was there, because I couldn't have kept up with the little guy. He runs really fast, and had a good time chasing the ducks that were on dry land as well as the ones who were swimming!

We also played on the small playground they have there. Dylan loves going for horsie rides, and this horse was no exception.

We all enjoyed a lovely stroll along the paths by the ponds, where Dylan picked daisies, played with seed pods, and felt the sticky buds on the trees. He learned a few new words (like "grass") and took frequent little rest stops, like this one.

And now, my favorite picture of the day! Nanna taught Dylan to be quiet so he wouldn't scare the birds, and "shhh" was definitely the word of the day. They had such a wonderful time together, and I enjoyed watching them play and run and explore. Dylan adores his nanna, and she is crazy about him, too!

1 comment:

ShaNeil Cook Coons said...

I love the "shhh" picture so much! :) He is too cute!