Monday, March 02, 2009

Still waiting...

Still waiting to pop this kid out, and with ever dwindling patience. I know I'm not due for another 15 days, but it seriously feels as though I've been pregnant forever. 40 weeks is a long time. I really just want my boobs to stick out more than my belly (which should happen really soon after I give birth since I'll be breastfeeding again).

Martin and I tidied up under the stairs last night, and he also re-folded all the tops in my drawers (what a super star). I just kept looking at all the clothes I haven't been able to wear for months and thinking how nice it will be to get back into my regular stuff. Really, just how nice it will be to have my body back to myself. Pregnancy is hard work. Breastfeeding is hard work. Motherhood is hard work.

Things are going well though. Martin may be able to pick up a few more hours work every week starting late this month or early next, which will be nice. The house is looking good and, thanks to Saturday morning, is actually quite clean at the minute. Martin and I are happy in our relationship and Dylan is a super star. He's got more teeth coming in, but the only way it's affecting him is that he is waking up earlier and is a bit cranky in the mornings because of it.

Martin and I had an interesting conversation at dinner tonight. He said, "Have you ever noticed how time seems to go really slowly when you're with Dylan? Like you're playing with him and think you have been doing it for at least an hour, and you look up and see that only 15 minutes have passed?" Finally, he realises why I nearly went crazy for the first 4 months of Dylan's life. I spent every day alone with him for at least 9-10 hours, and it felt like 3 times longer than that! Better late than never with the understanding, and just in time for the birth of the new baby!

We had a really beautiful day today--absolutely perfect English spring weather. The sun was shining, there were a few fluffy white clouds in the sky, birds were singing, and the daffodils are about to bloom. We went for two walks today, all three of us, to collect Kleeneze brochures, so we all got plenty of fresh air. A few more days like this and I will start hanging my clothes on the washing line to dry instead of using the tumble dryer. It'll also be time to get the vegetables and flowers planted in the back garden.

Tonight we are watching Heroes and organizing the book shelf in the living room. I know it doesn't sound like a terribly exciting night, but I'm looking forward to it all the same. It's one more project that can get ticked off the list, and time spent with my wonderful husband watching a TV program that we both really enjoy. Plus, I think we are going to sell some of our books on Amazon. We have loads of them, and some of them we will never read again. I have a friend who's boyfriend made around £250 at Christmas time just by selling off his unwanted books, and the extra cash would be quite nice right now.

Anyway, Martin has returned with baking sheets. Did I mention that I am baking tiny Snickerdoodles for the Place to serve with their coffees at £3 per batch? Not much of a profit, as they are kind of labor intensive, but Martin and I cook up the leftover batter for ourselves so we have fresh cookies every two weeks which is nice. And the house smells yummy afterwards. So yeah, he's back now and I need to get cracking with the bookshelves so I can roll out and dip cookies during Heroes.

I have such a boring life. What does it say about me that I love it so much?

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